Highlight from 2011

Highlight from 2011
In August 2011 I had a fun photo shoot of this beautiful 1990 Ferrari out at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hearts Cove

Hearts Cove (HDR)

In July 2011 we took a trip up part of the pacific Coast. On the the many places we stopped at was near Lincoln, OR. This is a beautiful but very difficult and long hike. It was 5.5 miles round trip and steep in some spots. At this point the trail was only about 2 feet wide, behind me was the steep hill going up and in front of me was a shear drop off of several hundred feet! It was a scary! There was a little spot behind 2 big solid trees that had about 4 feet round to stand in and take photos. This is where I took most of my photos. This place was so beautiful!

Keep watch on my web site. This photo will be available to order soon!
I will be adding this print to my "fine arts prints."