Highlight from 2011

Highlight from 2011
In August 2011 I had a fun photo shoot of this beautiful 1990 Ferrari out at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tedi, daffodils

What a difference angles make!
This is where we took all these photos.
It's in down-town Salt Lake City near the Gateway Mall, and only about 100 feet
away from a busy intersection. You'd think we were in some field out in the country.
Angles! It's all about the correct angles!

"King" Twins, NICU

The "King" twins were born about 1 1/2 months early and on Easter Sunday. 
The Easter Bunny brought a nice surprise to this family.
They each weighed 6 lbs. and were healthy. They stayed in the NICU for a couple of weeks.
They are 3 days old in these photos and are in the NICU.
I was honored to be permitted to visit these adorable twins with their Mom, and took these photos.

The following 4 photos are of twin #1, a little boy named Grant...

...these remaining 4 photos are of twin #2, a little girl named Gwen.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tedi ~ Fashion Portraits

My favorite type of photography to do is "Fashion."
The make-up in these Fashion Portraits (and all my "Fashion Portraits") are done by me. 
I love using my imagination to create new unique Fashion Portraits. 
I get true happiness out of these creative photo shoots.